Ready to install solar panels or modify an existing on-site generation system? 下面的申请.
如果你还没有,一定要阅读我们的 选择太阳能安装器的提示 并了解 规则和PUC规则 应用. 请注意,从1月1日开始, 2024, all new Customer Generation applications will be required to use UL 1741-SB certified inverters for inverter-based systems, including AC-coupled batteries with built-in inverters. 阅读我们的 常见问题 了解更多信息.
1月1日起, 2024, Oregon customers are taking service on an interim basis under the rules that were in place in Idaho at the end of 2023. 2月29日, 2024, hg8868皇冠下载 submitted a request to the Oregon Public Utility Commission (OPUC) requesting that the on-site generation offering in Oregon match the on-site generation offering that was recently approved in Idaho. 有关申请详情,请参阅我们的 常见问题. 与此同时, Oregon customers will continue to take service under the version of Schedule 84 that was in effect on December 18, 2023. 结果是, some eligibility and system criteria will be different for Oregon customers until approved by the OPUC.
- 检查 eligibility requirements, system size limits and technical requirements. 此外,一般 电气设备要求 apply to all customers, including rules for panel upgrades and meter accessibility.
- Submit an hg8868皇冠下载 customer generation application and $100 fee. hg8868皇冠下载 will review the project within 7 business days and determine if any upgrades to the electrical grid are needed or if you’re fine to proceed. 升级是一项额外费用, so we recommend completing this step before proceeding with your purchase.
- Application Form – 太阳能 PV, Wind, 水力发电, & 其他项目
- Watch a tutorial for completing the Application Form below.
- Install your system once you’ve received approval from hg8868皇冠下载 and have secured any required building and electrical permits.
- After your system has been installed and has passed a state or city electrical inspection, 提交系统验证表格. 一旦皇冠现金盘收到此表格, we will conduct a site visit within 10 business days to make sure your system is ready to go and to install your new meter. Allow 20 business days for systems over 100 kW.
- System Verification Form – 太阳能 PV, Wind, 水力发电, & 其他项目
- Watch an overview of hg8868皇冠下载’s on-site inspection process below.
Required inverter settings in a downloadable CSV common file format: 爱达荷州逆变器设置.
注意,在12月. 20, 2019, the Idaho Public Utilities Commission (IPUC) publicly issued an order in case IPC-E-18-15, which reminds customers that hg8868皇冠下载’s on-site generation tariffs (Schedules 6, 8, 和84年), 和其他所有关税一样, are not contracts and are subject to change at any time upon order of the IPUC. Changes to the on-site generation tariffs in the future may include, 但不限于, 调整差饷, 计费组件, 计费结构, 薪酬结构, and the value for excess energy produced by the customer’s on-site generation system (and thus, 客户将获得的赔偿金额).
IPUC的命令与 Idaho Residential 能源 System Disclosure Act, which requires a disclosure that reminds customers that legislative or regulatory actions can affect or eliminate one’s ability to sell or get credit for any excess power generated by the system and may affect the price or value of that power.
查看我们的 常见问题 or contact a Customer Solutions Advisor for help at 1-800-632-6605 or
For assistance with a PDF on this page or to request a PDF in an alternate format, 请与客户服务部联系 208-388-2323 or 1-800-488-6151